Cool Water
5 March – 2 April 2022


Intrigued by the beauty of quieter moments in everyday life, Dane Lovett’s new suite of ambitious paintings magnify the unremarkable routinely passed by, through spotlighting shy flowers, ferns and wild plants.

Echoing art historic traditions of still-life and landscape painting, Lovett’s idiosyncratic and highly technical approach to painting takes on new meaning through restrictive palettes that play with positive and negative space. Although most recently applying his paint to aluminum and wood, for this exhibition Lovett returns to large-scale canvas formats that create an all-encompassing experience.

The title of the exhibition, Cool Water, variously references the sensorial triggers one has with the revitalising, healing and sometimes bracing e"ect of cold water. Plunging into the ocean on a hot day, the sensation of a cold drink running down your throat, or the iconic late 80’s Davido cologne, described as having the fresh fragrant notes of sea water, lavender, mint, rosemary, and coriander but with a reputation of being used in cloying amounts.

Created from snap shots collected on walks around Lovett’s home during the long COVID lock downs, Cool Water celebrates unassuming scenes of wild and domesticated flora, scaled as such to embrace the viewer in the gentle caresses of leaves, petals and fern fronds.


Dane Lovett
Cool Water 2022
installation view


Dane Lovett
Cool Water 2022
installation view


Dane Lovett
Cool Water 2022
installation view


Dane Lovett
Cool Water 2022
installation view


Dane Lovett
Cool Water 2022
installation view


Dane Lovett
I knew things 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
220.0 × 180.0 cm

Two Angels of Francis Grove_LR

Dane Lovett
There are two angels at Francis Grove 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
220.0 × 180.0 cm


Dane Lovett
Lane assist, a ditch, wildflowers 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
220.0 × 180.0 cm


Dane Lovett
FFVII Original Soundtrack 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
220.0 × 180.0 cm


Dane Lovett
Sweetness and Light 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
220.0 × 180.0 cm


Dane Lovett
14 Days of Pollen 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
180.0 × 150.0 cm


Field and Light
Field and Light 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
180.0 × 150.0 cm


Dane Lovett
I know you're still there 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
180.0 × 150.0 cm

Night Walk_LR

Dane Lovett
Night Walk 2022
oil and acrylic on canvas
51.0 × 41.0 cm