Ngiya Murukupupuni (My Country)
1 February – 15 March 2025


In collaboration with Jilamara Arts and Crafts

STATION is delighted to present Ngiya Murukupupuni, a solo exhibition by Michelle Pulatuwayu Woody Minnapinni in collaboration with Jilamara Arts & Crafts. Ngiya Murukupupuni, which means My Country” in the Tiwi language, captures the artist’s relationship to Murukupupuni and commitment to her heritage.

Maintaining the long-standing tradition of her ancestors, Michelle works with natural ochres sourced on Murukupupuni around Milikapiti, Tiwi. The earth pigments are collected, crushed and burned into white, yellow and red, reflecting the colours of the island’s landscape. She then applies the earth pigments using the kayimwagakimi, a toothed painting tool carved from locally harvested ironwood and used in ceremonial Tiwi body painting, to create contemporary representations of Tiwi Murukupupuni.

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