The Beer Belly Masculinity Intensification Program or When Hangover Becomes Form
26 August – 17 September 2011
Installation Views

Manuel Ocampo
Cat Scratch Fever Swastikating in the Cranium Arcade of Pitiless Logic 2011
oil on canvas
182.0 × 122.0 cm

Manuel Ocampo
Masculinity Intensification Program 2011
oil on canvas
208.0 × 151.0 cm

Manuel Ocampo
Goose Steps in the Logorrheic Field of Aesthetic Karmaggedon 2011
oil on canvas
182.0 × 122.0 cm

Manuel Ocampo
Pussyfooting the Illusory Existanz of Amphibious Desires 2011
oil on canvas
178.0 × 122.0 cm

Manuel Ocampo
The Schizophrenic Assemblage of Mediated Experience in the Liturgical Landscape of the Creme de la Creme 2011
oil on canvas
182.0 × 168.0 cm

Manuel Ocampo
Untitled (Vulture) 2011
oil on canvas
178.0 × 122.0 cm

The Beer Belly Masculinity Intensification Program or When Hangover Becomes Form
installation view

The Beer Belly Masculinity Intensification Program or When Hangover Becomes Form
installation view