Dychymig Dychymig: Tree Alphabet
3 April – 1 May 2021


Clare Milledge’s practice is grounded in a method of fieldwork that puts into relation seemingly disparate pieces of research to bring attention to particular patterns and touchpoints. Dychymyg Dychymyg: Tree Alphabet expands on Milledge's ongoing research into mythology, secret knowledge, storytelling and ecology.

Drawn to the mysticism that overshadows the Early Medieval alphabet Ogham (also known as the Tree Alphabet), Milledge investigates its relationship to Irish poetic mythology and ‘Story Archaeology’. Introduced by storyteller Chris Thompson and academic Isolde Carmody, ‘Story Archaeology’ can be understood as the process by which stories are uncovered through a form of ‘archaeological dig’.

Inscribed on stone monuments around the Irish sea, the Tree Alphabet (or Ogham) is thought to have emerged as a mnemonic system studied by prospective fili (seers/poets). Each letter is equated with a particular tree, for example B is for Beth (Silver Birch). Ogham predates written language in Ireland, and as a result is more conducive to spoken word and poetry than the written form. It is read vertically from bottom to top as opposed to the Latin left to right orientation of the Irish language. In a similar reform, Milledge’s process of painting is approached in reverse as she builds the surface behind glass panes in a Byzantine technique known as ‘hinterglasmalarei’.

Veiled behind a thin glass sheen, Milledge’s layered paintings of Ogham script, lateral tree roots and druid figures point to what has been hidden, obscured or forgotten through the passage of time – bringing attention to the important knowledge transported by oral histories and stories.


Clare Milledge
Dychymig Dychymig: Tree Alphabet 2021
installation view


Clare Milledge
Dychymig Dychymig: Tree Alphabet 2021
installation view


Clare Milledge
Dychymig Dychymig: Tree Alphabet 2021
installation view


Clare Milledge
Dychymig Dychymig: Tree Alphabet 2021
installation view


Clare Milledge
Dychymig Dychymig: Tree Alphabet 2021
installation view


Clare Milledge
Elatha and Ériu 2021
oil on toughened glass, bronze close-readers
diptych, overall 110.0 × 221.5 cm (each panel 110.0 × 110.0 cm)


Clare Milledge
Sruth 2021
oil on toughened glass, bronze close-readers
diptych, overall 110.0 × 221.5 cm (each panel 110.0 × 110.0 cm)


Clare Milledge
Three shouts on a hill 2021
oil on recycled toughened glass, bronze close-readers
triptych, overall 45.0 × 144.0 cm (each panel 45.0 × 46.5 cm)


Clare Milledge
Kennings 2021
oil on recycled toughened glass, bronze close-readers
34.5 × 34.5 cm


Clare Milledge
Gamal mac Figail & Camald mac Ríaghaild 2021
oil on recycled toughened glass, bronze close-readers
34.2 × 34.2 cm